The RDS (Relational Database Service) on AWS


This page describes creating and using a database on the AWS public cloud: As a service, not as software installed on a Virtual Machine. Our example study captures a near-real-time data stream from a university campus power consumption monitoring system. We begin by describing the distinction between the traditional approach to SQL database management and the AWS Relational Database Service.


  • DynamoDB and Redshift and so forth need to be called out here in addition to RDS flavors and what may be missing


To create a MySQL database on a Linux machine typically requires some administrative access and a command line; plus a browser to identify resources, search for procedures and get questions answered. In the course of installing and maintaining the database you will also typically be concerned with patching the underlying operating system periodically. This requires time and thought if you are diligent and exposes your system to risk if you are not.

In contrast if you have an AWS cloud account you can create the database without the underlying Virtual Machine through the three typical approaches to ‘talking with the cloud’. These are, in order of sophistication: Using the AWS console