Computational fluid dynamics on the AWS cloud
- Resource tagging per HPC Club policy
- Link
- Project tag key; value = NetID (without ‘’)
- End_date tag key; value = when you expect to be done with the resource
- Name tag key; value = NetID_descriptive_phrase
Central idea: Use the Spot market, do the first calculation, make sure it works, get cost
AB can assist with getting the technical details right
Authenticate with NetID possible but we will use IAM User for now
- Procedural
- Create cfn cluster with placement group
- See email chain for links
- optional: disable hyperthreading (config file and post_install_script required)
- install starccm+ on the shared volume, set up the license
- A making progress on the execution issue; please send Rob confirmation this is fixed
- create a snapshot of the volume for next cluster
- create a qsub file and launch
- created from starccm+ documentation; get file from Siemmens, cf email chain; pls send to Rob
- Create cfn cluster with placement group
- Number of processes / instance depends on number of gridcells in the CFD calc
- LH: 50k cells per process
- LH: 72 processes implies qty 2 c4.8xlarge with hyperthreading on; qty 4 if off
- A revises: 9e6 cells 180 processors = 4-5 c4.8xl
- ‘existing config does not have a placement group’ implies new cfncluster needed
- Obstacle
- Insufficient space on the shared EFS drive… solution pending
- The Steve’s Portal
- This is the starccm+ website
- batch/qsub documentation available