Cloud 101: Introduction to AWS, Azure and Google Cloud

This lesson will introduce you to three different cloud providers (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud), teach you how to provision virtual machines and storage services and use the provided command line tools.

It is based on the lesson template used in Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops,


09:45 Introduction to the AWS console & provisioning an EC2 instance How do I build a virtual machine in AWS?
How do I use my virtual machine to transfer data to an S3 bucket
10:15 Introduction to Microsoft Azure, Blob Storage and Virtual Machines How do I launch a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure?
How do I use my virtual machine to transfer data to blob storage?
10:45 Introduction to the Google Cloud console & using the Compute Engine API How do I build a virtual machine in the Google Cloud?
How do I transfer my data in and out of my virtual machine to external cloud storage
11:15 Coffee break Break
11:30 Finish